It's going to be a crazy week for us nerds!
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First up was the release of the newest Thor: The Dark World poster yesterday!
A graphic designer's nightmare: broken necks, floating Heimdalls, silly faces?
Questionable design aside, I love seeing Marvel starting to amp up their marketing campaign for this film. Thor 2 drops in less than 100 days!
On a related note, we've been promised that the new Thor: The Dark World trailer will premiere August 7th, during YouTube's Geek Week.
If it's anything like the Comic Con trailer description (warning: spoilers!), we're in for a wild ride!
Thor: The Dark World is my most anticipated film of 2013. Not only does it feature my favorite characters in the established Marvel Cinematic Universe, but it is perhaps the most direct sequel to The Avengers. Thor: TDW picks up Thor and Loki's (and the Tesseract's) story-line where The Avengers left off, and the events in the film are sure to have ramifications in future Avengers films and 2014's Guardians of the Galaxy.
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In TV news, a teaser trailer for the highly anticipated third season of BBC's Sherlock debuted this afternoon!
The game, dear Watson, is on.
How did Sherlock survive The Reichenback Fall? Is Moriarty really dead? How will the newly-mustachioed Dr. John Watson react when Sherlock returns from the grave?
Despite having only six episodes, Sherlock has garnered a huge cult following. Everyone's favorite "high-functioning sociopath" returns to BBC later this year. The growing number of American fans will have a longer wait though, as the third season won't premiere on PBS until early 2014.
However, I deduce that with all the clever U.S. fans taking cues from Sherlock himself, they'll find a way to get their hands on the new episodes ;)
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Finally, the BBC announced that the 12th Doctor will be revealed this Sunday during a live TV special that will be broadcast at 7pm GMT.
I can't wait! If only I had a TARDIS...
For all of us lucky West Coast Americans, this means that we'll be finding out who the next Doctor is at 11am! Wibbly wobbly, timey wimey!
What is with Sif's new look? Oh my gosh! Can't wait for all three. Who is going to be the Doctor? What is going to happen to Loki? What really happened to Sherlock? Thanks for the YT videos.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know you are a Sherlock too!!! Love your blog sis :)
ReplyDeleteYour mother shared photos of you on her blog and suggested popping over to see your cosplay. What did I find? Loki, Sherlock and DOCTOR WHO!!! Yay! A girl after my own heart! Nerds unite! Can't wait for all three! :D
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